NVC 698: The Smash Amiibo Line Is Now Complete. What Now?
Hello Ninfriendos, and welcome to the very best Nintendo podcast of them all, Nintendo Voice Chat. This week it’s another triple threat, with Logan Plant, Peer Schneider and Seth Macy discussing the completion of the Nintendo Smash Bros. amiibo line, finally, after all these years. We also learned of some new transformations for Princess Peach in the upcoming Princess Peach: Showtime, in which Princess Peach is the titular character. Plus our Mario vs. Donkey Kong review is up, and it’s good! All that plus your questions this week on Nintendo podcast with the best audience of them all.
Hello Ninfriendos, and welcome to the very best Nintendo podcast of them all, Nintendo Voice Chat. This week it’s another triple threat, with Logan Plant, Peer Schneider and Seth Macy discussing the completion of the Nintendo Smash Bros. amiibo line, finally, after all these years. We also learned of some new transformations for Princess Peach in the upcoming Princess Peach: Showtime, in which Princess Peach is the titular character. Plus our Mario vs. Donkey Kong review is up, and it’s good! All that plus your questions this week on Nintendo podcast with the best audience of them all.