Risk of Rain 2: Survivors of the Void – Official Bundle Trailer
Risk of Rain 2: Survivors of the Void is available now on Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and Nintendo Switch, as well as PC. Check out the trailer for another look at the Risk of Rain 2: Survivors of the Void. This expansion features two Survivors–the Railgunner and Void Fiend. Additionally, Risk of Rain 2: Survivors of the Void also features the Simulacrum game mode, as well as new items, stages, and more.

Risk of Rain 2: Survivors of the Void is available now on Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and Nintendo Switch, as well as PC. Check out the trailer for another look at the Risk of Rain 2: Survivors of the Void. This expansion features two Survivors–the Railgunner and Void Fiend. Additionally, Risk of Rain 2: Survivors of the Void also features the Simulacrum game mode, as well as new items, stages, and more.